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Image by Zac Durant

Life coaching

What do you want  to accomplish?
What would you start today  if you knew you could not fail?
What’s holding you  back from achieving your goals?

Everyone has goals they want to reach, challenges they are striving to overcome, ideas that need a road map and times when they feel stuck. Through the power of coaching you can acquire the support, encouragement, clarity and accountability to identify and live out your vision and purpose and be the best version of yourself. Partnering with  Aviva can unlock your potential and set you on the path to thriving personally and professionally. 


Coaching sessions can be conducted in person for those in Rockland County, NY or surrounding areas or by phone or video conferencing for clients across the globe.





Aviva Nirenberg, PCAC, PCC

Certified ADHD Coach and Life Coach
(845) 521-0039

Airmont, New York


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